Sep 25, 2012

The Headstone is Coming.

Posted by Daddy on at 9:16 pm

Weeble, today is your cousin’s 18th birthday. He re-posted a picture he took of you shortly before you died, and he commented that your are a great kid. You really are, too. You were so full of adventure when you were with us, as I’m sure you still are today. Your older brothers and I sometimes talk together and picture you rolling down some heavenly mountain on your scooter, free from risk and harm.

I talked to the monument man today. At long last your headstone will be ready next week. I am anxious to see it, and I am also dreading the day. We asked to be present for it’s arrival at your grave.

How I wish the last thing I can buy for you was anything else.

We thank God every day for your life, and we ask Him to greet you for us. I am so grateful that through His blood, we can all be together again someday.

Your baby brother Simon reminds me of you. I’m sorry that he will never have met you in this plane. The rest of us have memories, and I’m worried that he might feel like an outsider someday. He may never know the weight of grief that we know, but still its effects on the rest of us will also take a toll on him.

I love you, son. I miss you and I can’t wait to see you again.

Category: Letters to Weeble, Observations Link: The Headstone is Coming.