Five Months in Heaven
Posted by Daddy on Jul 26, 2011 at 12:18 pm
Beebleton, you are on my mind every day.
The dissatisfaction I have with my life is exacerbated by my longing to be in Heaven. I want to be free from the grief of missing you, free from debilitating physical pain, and free from work that often costs me far more than it’s worth. I want to see what you see, and meet whom you’ve met. I want you to sit on my lap at the feet of our Creator, learning and worshiping.
Maybe I’ll sit on your lap. Perhaps we’ll all be children there. All I know for sure is that it’s real, you’re there, and I will be some day too.
If my other pains were gone, I’d still be crushed by your absence until we are together again. My hope and strength are strong – they are probably the only strength I have left.
It makes no sense to tell you to be a good boy anymore, so I’ll just tell you that I’ll be one.
Your mother and siblings miss you terribly, but they, like me, will be alright in the end.
Love, Daddy
P.S. It brings me great joy to think about what you might be doing there.