Jul 26, 2011

Heaven Is Real!

Posted by Mommy on at 11:58 am

I read that Heaven is Real book, It paints a lovely picture of a child’s view of Heaven. I feel so distant from you today. I’m starting to lose the feeling that you were just right here a minute ago and that I could almost reach out and touch you. I remember in the early days I fought against the feeling of getting used to you not being here. Eventually, there is no choice and it happens anyway. God forces/allows us to adapt to the new situation, as painful as it is. It used to feel like a betrayal every time we went somewhere without you. Now I only feel that way sometimes.Although we adapt and continue to function, the pain of missing you does not lessen. We are just learning to live with it. And look forward to the day when we can see you again.

Love, Mommy

Category: Letters to Weeble Link: Heaven Is Real!